Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Because I need to say this!

Hi all, well, for those who have been following my blog from the start you'll remember that I started with a history of my gaming.  This post included a mention of our son Tom who is a key member of West Cornwall Games Club as he really was the reason behind it.

Right, well I got into rather deep water over that, and having thought about my actions in a clear and precise manner I can now officially apologise to Daisy our daughter for missing her out of that post.  Daisy is the best daughter in the world, as she is a hard working, kind, affectionate young lady.  she is always willing to listen to her friends problems and give sound advise.  She is a credit to herself and her family.  She is a very talented artist and photographer, and I often get her to take pictures of my models.

Daisy is also a member of WCGC, and often comes along to play Gemma's complex board games or  join in with psychiatrist or mafia.  When she has a spare moment she often makes tea for the busy men playing with their toy soldiers.

I am sure that my gaming life would be a lot harder without such a great kid.

Love you darling


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