Saturday, 19 March 2011

Doing a little bit to help out!

All the club subs from next weeks club meeting will be going to Shelterbox in Helston, Cornwall to help with their efforts in Japan. I would like to ask all members of West Cornwall Games Club to attend next week so that we can raise just a few quid to help out. We will obviously accept additional donations.

The Japanese authorities have officially accepted the offer of assistance from this little known Cornish charity. Shelterbox are often the first oversea's aid to reach natural disasters around the globe.  They can pack and dispatch up to 1000 boxes per day from their Helston site, and they have teams of trained operatives ready to drop everything and go to these disaster area's.
It would be great if other games clubs and/or individuals would follow this and do similar.

God bless to the people of Japan, in their time of need


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Sleeping Gods highlights

Hi all, for those who missed this excellent weekend, here is a short video which captures the highlights.

Huge thanks have to go to Richard for being head honcho on this one and to my other fellow (dis) organisers, Dan and Dave.  A gooid laugh had by all, and without doubt one of the best campaigns by far.

Finally, it has to be said that the quote of the weekend must go to Smiffee when he uttered this brilliance " I didn't know they could do that" shortly after getting his caster ass kicked for the 2nd time.  He later went on to win the award for most caster deaths.

Well, enjoy the video.
